We Need to Live Dead of Sin!


Reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin. 

- Romans 6:11

Humans today are not taking sin seriously. We need to live dead of sin, stop sinning, no sin at all, as if we were dead so we cannot sin. Sin is the problem today. So many sin so much, but live without God, acting like if they do not believe in God anyway, so what, their sin does not matter, but it does. All sin hurts all of us and society as a whole. God gave us Jesus as a model, an example of how to live, we are to follow Him, to reflect Him, to be like Jesus, to not sin, and to love all others! We live in a country and world where we see so much sin from our elected, government, and powers that be, they are so greedy, self-serving, and corrupt, we see it each day in the news, it all stems from there, the crime, the killings, the fraud, the sin, no one wants to follow even the !0 Commandments from God, they sin and sin as if it is all okay saying they do not believe in God so it doesn't matter, but it does! 

The Mornings With God App today said, "It is a wonderful suggestion, as a scheme of life, that we shall reckon ourselves to be dead unto sin. A dead man cannot sin. A story is told of an old shoemaker who had been a wicked man. He had a terrible temper, and in his fits of anger would throw his hammer, or a last, or anything within his reach, at the person who had excited his feeling. But after his conversion he never got angry any more. “I am dead,” he would say. “A dead man cannot get into bad temper. A dead man cannot throw a hammer.” If we would train ourselves to be dead to all that is wrong, we should soon get away from many very unlovely things. Then we should also reckon ourselves to be alive unto God. It is not enough to suppress evil – we must also nourish whatever is good. It is not enough not to be bad–tempered; we must become sweet in our spirit, and be gentle, forgiving, and kind. All the best possibilities in us should be called out by the love of Christ in us."

If we love Jesus, we then do not want to sin, and we want to love all others and live an upright and holy life. We all need to be disciples for Christ, to follow and reflect Him, to be His disciples and to promote Him, not sin and hate. Today we have a huge problem with sin and hate in our world. The aggression, selfishness, greed, corruption, fraud, and mediocrity are at an all time high in our world today, it is sad to see. Our country and world need a lot of prayers, we need change, we need an overhaul, to be restored into Christ. To live without sin, without hate, without envy, jealousy, and all this sin! We need to live dead of sin! Everyday, always, Jesus, be joyful in the Lord, alive in Him to have eternity in Heaven with Him! 
