Are You Wise About Your Salvation?

 They only are wise, who are wise unto salvation. 

⏤ Thomas Goodwin

Is salvation important to you? Or do you care more about money, power, title, gold, silver, material goods, or carnal desires? Do you have Jesus in your life? Is He important to you? Do you read the Bible daily? Do you follow God's Commandments, the teachings of Jesus, do you try to be a person of goodwill? What is your goal for your life and soul? Today we see so many consumed by this world, and the god of this world, Satan, they become his slaves to things of this world, money, sin, power, greed, corruption, carnal desires, they sin and sin, and make excuses for all the evil and wicked, even acting like killing innocent babies in the womb is acceptable in our society. it is sad to see all the sin today. All the greed, corruption, fraud, and mediocrity. Especially we see a lot of it from our elected, governments, and powers that be. Instead of following and imitating someone like Jesus, so many today become slaves for Satan and sell their souls and countries out for all the money in China, letting the dragon consume them. We need to be careful about this all. We need to think about our souls and our salvation! Put Heaven first, living for Jesus, following and reflecting Him alone so to know we can be saved and make it to life eternal with our Maker! 


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