Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?


Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?

~1 Corinthians 3:16

Humans forget, that God is in us! We are the temple of God, His Spirit lives in us! We need to comport ourselves better and do what is right. Stop sinning and doing so much evil. Some today have become such slaves for Satan, doing so much evil, we see them cheating, stealing lying, committing fraud, being corrupt, selling their soul and country out for all the gold bars in Egypt or money from Asia. It is sad to see, we see a lot of greed and self-serving ways from our elected, government gangsters, and powers that be today, it is sad to see. They need our prayers. So many forget about God. Too, God gave us Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us, as our model, our example of how to behave and live on this Earth School, God wants us to imitate Jesus, to reflect and follow Him. However, today so few do. They are too busy living for this world. For money, power, social media likes, gold, luxury cars, tattoos, iPhone, etc. Things of this world, they cannot even go to church to give praise to God one hour a week. It is sad to see. So many without Jesus in them. Then we wonder why our world is in the predicament it is in. If we want a better world, we all need to follow Jesus! Let Him live in us, reflecting, and imitating Him! If your number one priority is to get into Heaven, let Jesus live in you! 
