God is Love! Test the Spirits, See If They are from God!


My dear friends, do not believe all who claim to have the Spirit, but test them to find out if the spirit they have comes from God. For many false prophets have gone out everywhere.

~1 John 4:1

My Yahoo Bible verse today gave a good reminder for all of us, we cannot trust and believe in all, there are many false Spirits, they do not come from God. Many are slaves for Satan, the god of Earth now and for many false prophets have gone out everywhere on Earth doing so much evil and wickedness. We see this a lot today. We see so much hate, sin, aggressiveness, and evil today from so many, so many live for this world, they are consumed by things of this world and do so much wicked, especially our elected, government gangsters, and powers that be, they are evil, it shows by how they hate, kill, lie, cheat, steal, commit fraud, and are so corrupted and evil. Even we see a lot of news outlets hire reporters who dispel and spew so much hate toward people on their news reporting shows, this is not news, why is news no longer objective, why does it have so much bias and hate? Why are their employees allowed to spew so much obvious hate? We see a lot of this today in our world and community. So many without God, so many slaves for Satan, they let things of this world control them, possessed it seems. You cannot even talk to, reason, and believe them. There are a lot who say for example they are Christians or Catholics, but yet push so much abortion and killing of innocent, helpless, voiceless babies, they do so many evil things, remember that evil lady ripping up the speech of that President once during a State of the Union, that is not someone from God, that is pure evil, they say they are Christians, but show no love of Christ, they do not reflect or imitate Jesus at all, anyone who hates is lacking the Spirit of God, God is love, so be careful of haters, false prophets, anyone who is not of goodwill. Be vigilant, it is obvious now who is on the side of evil! Follow Jesus, imitate and reflect Him, be careful not to become slaves for Satan living without spirit. Pray for the conversion of the world, that all people turn to Jesus! Imitating and reflecting Him as God wants us to do! 

Stay away from hate and haters, be love toward all! 
