God's Gifts and Grace! Are You Counting Your Blessings?


Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God.

~Ecclesiastes 5:19

God gives us many gifts and so much grace!  Are you counting your blessings each day? He really does take care of us. We do not need to pray for anything, God knows what we need. We need to pray only that "His will be done in our lives." He loves us so much! We often see many are so blessed by God, He wants to take care of us. His gifts are plentiful when we put our faith in Him. We need to never forget to count our blessings for all the gifts from God! Today we see so many doing so much corrupt, fraudulent, greedy, and self-serving things to advance, they cheat, steal, lie, and do so much to accumulate things of this world, they want so much money and wealth, but do it in ways that are not pleasing to God, what God gives He takes away, He brings so much shame, humiliation, and dishonor an people who do evil and wicked things, using and abusing their power, we see it today, all be revealed. They are not counting their blessings or doing for good, this is the difference. God will give to all who know Him, love Him, serve Him, and obey Him. He wants to take care of us. He wants us to know Him. He wants us to reflect, follow, and imitate His son Jesus, that is all we have to do. You will receive many blessings and gifts from God, much grace when you recognize Him, when you pray to Him, when you count your blessings! We can enjoy a good life from God! He takes care of us! 


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