God's Glimpse of Heaven for Us, What a Blessing!


What a week and summer of blessings from God! It has been so nice lately at the beach. We have had many nice days, but hot. We need more rain, but God will bring that as He always does. It is nice to have these glimpses of Heaven at the beach, this is from God! While humans like to control everything today, especially the elected, government gangsters, and powers that be who all think they are God, we need to remind ourselves and stay focused on God and His sovereignty.  We can either believe in God, obey Him, follow Jesus and be people of goodwill knowing we will be able to spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus or be slaves of this world, and Satan doing all the wicked and evil that so many today do. They sin and sin.  There is a lot of evil out there, God knows this, but He does give us these glimpses of Heaven, we need to rely on Him, know He is more powerful than humans here, we can either be followers of Jesus or slaves to Satan. We all have a choice, we can count our blessings, pray, stay positive, loving and joyful in the Lord, or be slaves for Satan, full of hate, negativity, and division, we do see a lot of this today from the left haters who lack God and do not know Jesus. We are called, called to imitate Jesus, to reflect Him, to be all about love, positivity, and joy in the Lord! Thank you God for your glimpses of Heaven here on Earth to give us the strength to carry on as we journey this Earth School! 


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