Grace from God is Abundant, Have Faith and Love in Jesus, Reflecting Him, Turning from Sin, and Making Heaven Our Number One Priority!


The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.

~1 Timothy 1:14-15

St. Paul wrote this Bible verse above, he felt he was the worst sinner, he was violent and did many horrible things. But Jesus came for him too, he was a sinner, he had a thorn in his flesh, but Jesus came for him and saved him. Honestly, the grace of God is poured out on us, if only we look for it and believe it. God's grace is so much greater than we realize! We have been given the faith and love of Christ, we need to use and apply it in our lives. We need to turn from sin! We need to follow Jesus. What a blessing the grace we receive from God, each day more and more grace. He is so good to us! God sent us Jesus, His son, Emmanuel, God with us, as our example, or model, to reflect, to imitate, to follow and be like. We need to give thanks to God for all His grace. We need to have great faith, and love like Jesus. We need to reflect and imitate Him. We are all sinners, we need to turn from all sin, be people of goodwill, work on our faith, love all, and make getting into Heaven our number one priority in life! 


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