Just Love God, Have Faith in Him!
We know that all things work together for good to them that love God.
~Romans 8:28
God turns all into good for those who have faith in Him! God can turn all the ugly things into our lives into something beautiful. He made each one of us the way He did for a reason. There are no mistakes, and He is using us for His good in this life process we are all going through. All we have to do is love God and be faithful to Him! He just wants us to bey Him, to follow the teachings of His son Jesus, and be people of goodwill as we live and journey here.
The Mornings With God App today said, "People often ask how there can be good in everything. Here is the answer. “We know that to them that love God, all things will work together so as to bring good to us. It may not seem that this or that particular experience can yield good. But God is able to combine this seemingly harmful thing with other things, and from the combination bring good. The selling of Joseph by his brothers was a black crime, and an observer would have said the evil never could be turned to good. Yet we know the sequel. “The Lord meant it for good.” A lady showed Mr. Ruskin a handkerchief on which some careless person had dropped a drop of ink. Mr. Ruskin took the handkerchief away and returned it in a few days with an India ink engraving on it, using the ugly blot as the basis of the design. So God will take the blots in our lives and change them into beauty, if only we love Him and are faithful."
What a blessing from God that He makes beauty out of ashes. He can turn anything into what He meant us to be and do. We all have a purpose. It is His will be done! We need to let go and let God in all we do. Trust in Him, have faith and love Him for how He has made us and what we are made for, let His will be done in your life! Just love God, have faith in Him!
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