Our Souls Matter: Is Your Soul Worth More to You Than Everything of This World?


The soul is of more value than ten thousand worlds!

 ⏤ John Flavel

We need to guard out hearts and our souls! Our soul is worth a lot more than we realize living on this Earth School. We cannot just sell ourselves out, sell our souls to the devil for money, power, material good, carnal desires, none of that is worth anything compared to our souls. Our souls matter to God! It is sad today we see so many selling themselves out to things of this world. They sell their souls for all the money in China, all the gold bars from Egypt, they sell out their countries and do so much greedy, corrupt, and selfish things, most from elected, government officials, and powers that be, they seem to be the worst, they are not good examples for the majority of us, they are not at all like Jesus, that is for sure. They sell out their souls and countries for so much money and material good, but what good does it do them long term? To sell their souls, God knows! He knows our hearts, He knows all of what we do. Do they have a conscience? Do they have God in them? Do they think they can really get away with it and no one will ever find out? It is sad to see today, so many with so little character, so few principles, no morals, and virtues, no integrity. Even people who say they are Christian or Catholic, but yet support and push so much killing of innocent, helpless, voiceless babies, what hypocrisy, how evil can you be? Selling your soul out for what? Where are your principles and values for what you supposedly stand for? I like this quote by John Flavel, it seems like it is really true, our soul matters, our soul is of more value than ten thousand worlds! Why is it so hard for so many to understand? 

Please pray to save all souls! 

Jesus died for us, He promises us life eternal with Him in Heaven, if we follow and reflect Him! 
