Persevere in Well Doing, For In Due Season We Shall Reap!


And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 

⏤ Galatians 6:9 

We need to be people of goodwill! We need to persevere in doing well. As promised in the Bible in Galatians, that in due time, we will reap the benefits, as long as we persevere, if we do not faint. We need to persevere. It is all about perseverance in life! But in doing good! Today we see so many bad people, mostly elected, governments, and powers that be, they take and take, do so much evil, are so greedy, corrupt, and self-serving, and just do so much evil. Today we see a lot of people with power and who are in charge, doing so much evil, they make their beds, then have to sleep in it. We see a lot receiving a lot of shame, humiliation, and dishonor today, because of a lot of evil they have done, they carry this with them. We reap what we sow, many people who do not live with God, who do not uphold the 10 Commandments, who do not follow the teachings of Jesus, who are not people of goodwill, fall into a lot of problems sooner than later, we see it happening today in the news and in government and with the elected and powers that be, they think their evil won't catch up to them, but it does. They forget, and ruin their reputations and hurt their family name, we see it so much today, they sell their souls and countries out for all the money in Asia, or gold bars from Egypt, or luxury items or perks and benefits from billionaires, they sell their souls to the devil and their country out thinking all the money and power can protect them, they sin so much, but money can't help. Is it all worth it? We need to persevere in doing good, let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not! It is so true. I wish all these so-called leaders, elected, and powers that be would learn something and heed this advice and follow Jesus! Perseverance is the key, we need to persevere in the Lord! Don't quit before the blessing!  Do you want to go to Heaven? 
