Salvation is Through Jesus Christ, No Other Good Deeds Can Help Us, Nor Boasting About Them, Jesus is the Only Way!
Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.
~Ephesians 2:9
It is all about grace, faith, and God's mercy! We are saved by grace through faith! Faith in Jesus! He sent us Jesus, we are to follow and model Jesus, to reflect Him. He was Emmanuel, God with us, to show us how to live on this Earth World. We need to follow Jesus, that is what God wants. Like this Bible verse says, Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us should boast about them or think this is the way we are going to get into Heaven. He wants us to turn from sin! To follow Jesus, remember that Jesus is the only way to Heaven! We are saved when we accept, follow, heed, and reflect Jesus in our lives! Salvation is through Jesus! He forgives us of our sins. We think just because we do something good, that is going to get us into Heaven, but there is a lot more to it than just doing good things, Jesus is who God wants us to accept, follow and reflect! No boasting about good deeds or thinking they are going to get us saved or into Heaven, we need Jesus, He is the only way to Salvation! He is our Savior! Grace, it is a gift from God, will you accept Jesus?
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