The Gravest Sin is Idolatry! Put God First in Your Life Always!


This morning when I was listening to Christian FM on my radio as I worked out at the gym, the radio commentator was talking about the gravest sin there is. He said that was idolatry. He said it is when you do not put God first in your life. Today we see so many in the world, they put money, careers, power, gold, tattoos, cellphones, titles, fame, so many other idols first over God. They do not pray, do not follow God or Jesus, they do not read the Bible or practice what God wants us to reflect on this Earth world journey. We need to put God first, reflect Jesus, follow and obey Him, be people of goodwill in Christ, this is putting God first. We need to stop putting obtaining money, carnal desires, material goods, power, fame, and pop-culture idolatry before God. This is a grave sin, God wants Him to be our number one priority. He will take care of us when we worship and honor Him first! Put God first! 


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