The Whole Duty of Humans: Keep God's Commandments!


For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.

~Ecclesiastes 12:14

God knows everything! We need to keep His commandments! We are called to! We need to follow the teachings of His son Jesus, and be people of goodwill! Whether good or evil, God knows all! He will judge us! He wants us to obey! To live holy and upright lives! To not sin or do evil! Why is it so hard for so many to turn from sin? Why don't many people have God in them today and obey Him? We are called to obey Him, this is our duty! Every secret thing will be revealed, whether good or bad, He knows. why do we test God so much? Why do so many live doing wicked and evil things, stealing, lying, killing, committing fraud, being corrupt, hurting others and taking advantage of others? We need to turn from sin! We need to obey God's 10 Commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and be people of goodwill! Repent, turn from sin, do what God commands of us, it is our duty as His people! 
