Truth is easy to find, though it is hard to face it, and harder still to follow it!


 It is easy to find truth, though it is hard to face it, and harder still to follow it. 

-The Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen, 1895-1979

I saw this quote above today in my book I read daily with daily quotes from Bishop Sheen. This one resonated with me. It is so true. We do not as humans always want to follow or accept the truth. While easy to find, hard to face, and even harder to follow. A big part of it to is that we always want to be in denial about sin. Making excuses for sinning or doing anything we shouldn't be doing. Today people cheat, steal, lie, commit fraud, are greedy, corrupt, and are so mediocre. We see this especially from our elected, government gangsters, and powers that be. They have rules for others, but not for them, they break all the rules to do what they want, while thinking all others are supposed to fall in line. Today the truth is inconvenient. It is sad to see, especially from the powers that be. I hear many say, so much we have learned in our lives is all a lie, maybe so, truth does seem to be stretched and questioned a lot today. I like to believe God is truth, the Bible, and following Jesus and imitating and reflecting Him, that is what matters. Many today live for this world, Earthly things, being greedy and selfish, not thinking of others or the world as a whole. They become slaves for Satan, doing so much wicked and evil, never caring about the consequences. We really need to live in Spirit, not of this world! We cannot let things of this world consume us. Bishop Sheen is right, Truth is easy to find, though it is hard to face it, and harder still to follow it. 
