We are Called to Love One Another!
Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
~Romans 13:8
It is all about love! That is what Jesus was all about, love! God send us Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us, for us to follow, imitate, and reflect how Jesus is and we are to model this example of Jesus in our lives. We do not have to owe anyone anything, but love, peace, and blessings. We need to stop sinning, live like Jesus, owe nothing but love, and be a person of goodwill. We need to be like this as we live and go about this Earth School journey!
The Mornings With God App had a nice reminder today, they said, "It may be worth our while to linger today on one duty suggested in our reading – to keep out of debt. “Owe no man anything.” There is much need that this lesson should be enforced. There are many Christian people whose consciences need toning up on this subject. They think nothing of borrowing money. Those who are reputed to be kind–hearted have a great many requests to lend. It is not only in time of pressing need that people want to borrow, but ofttimes in order to provide luxuries. Then the next easy step is to become careless in repaying. Some do return their loans on the day, but many never repay at all. It is a fatal habit to fall into – this of borrowing and not paying. It is ruinous to character, for when one has become able to do it without worrying – letting the other person do the worrying – one has run down to a low moral state. Then the penalty on the man who does not pay his debts is inexorably exacted by society."
Today we live in a world of hate and so many living without God, Jesus, or the Bible. They do not know or have an upbringing of God even. It is sad to see the hate, the derangement, and negativity, it is a dangerous thing. We instead need to follow Jesus, imitate Him, reflect Him, God gave us Jesus as our model, our example of how to live, the one thing we do owe is love for others, that is what God wanted by all of us. We need to be loving and kind-hearted. We can not take part of this run down low morale state, we need to love nonetheless, even if it is the priest who dismisses you, or shows indifference or dismay, love them anyway. That is what God wants us to do, behave like Jesus. We are called to love one another!
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The Truth-God is Truth and Love