We have a building from God, …eternal, in the heavens!


We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed. 

- 2 Corinthians 4:8

Living on this Earth School certainly brings distress. We are all faced with troubles and have our crosses to bear in life. A lot seems to be a test. It is all how we respond to it. Our attitudes and how we live and believe in God, following and imitating, and reflecting Jesus. When we have a sound foundation as Christians in Jesus, although we have burdens, we can get through them all and reach the promised land, life eternal in Heaven with Jesus! 

The Mornings With God App today spoke of the troubles we may have, but how if we trust and follow Jesus, we can have eternal life, they said,  "We who are Christians should strive always to live a victorious life.  Of course we will have our burdens, our struggles, our trials, our sufferings, but we should never be defeated or crushed by them. Our Scripture today sets the lesson for us. “We are pressed on every side, yet not straitened; perplexed, yet not unto despair; … smitten down, yet not destroyed.” Our Master overcame the world. He was never once defeated. He wants us to live the same way. Of course we cannot do it ourselves, un–helped, but we may get help from Him, and be “more than conquerors through Him that loved us.” Even if our physical life is broken, exhausted, destroyed, that need not be defeat. “Though our outward man is decaying, yet our inward man is renewed day by day.” We have a glorious life within us, which nothing in this world can touch. “We know that if the earthly house of our tabernacle be dissolved, we have a building from God, …eternal, in the heavens.”

We cannot get down or be depressed with all that is going on. It is frustrating, today many from Venezuela are upset and disappointed, feeling like they have a dictator who has taken over their country and controlling all for so many years him and his previous predecessor. It is sad to see, a lot of countries today are not upright and honest, we have a lot of corruption everywhere today, it is sad and frustrating to see, the greed, corruption, dictators,  selfish, and greedy people today running our world, using their money to think it is their right to determine the fate and destiny of all humanity because they have a lot of money to control all. It is very sad to see. We are called, tested, told to have faith, put our trust in Jesus, follow, reflect, and imitate Him, know that He is a just judge and will make everything right. We are promised life eternal when we put our trust in Jesus, we will see many slaves for Satan, much evil, much wickedness, we need to resist all, imitate Jesus, follow Him, resist the evil and know that God has got this for us! We have a home in Heaven with God! 
