We Should Not Weigh Our Spirit Down with the Sins and Sorrows of This World!


We should not weigh our spirit down with all the sins and sorrows of things of this world. We need to live in Spirit! To live without sin and sorrow, things of this world. We all need to stop sinning! We see so much sin from our government, elected, and powers that be, most sin so much, not good role models for human beings. Thankfully God gave us Jesus to follow. We need to turn to God, He gave us Jesus, our example, our model of how to live, we need to follow Him, reflect Him in all we do on this Earth School journey! We need to look for the loving, the true, the kindly,  the brave around us, the people of goodwill. We are promised so much by God, Jesus speaks about all in Revelation too, when we follow and have faith in Him, we are promised life eternal with Him in Heaven! What a blessing! We cannot waste our time and sin on things of this world, we are going Home with the Father to Heaven and must live in Spirit now, not allowing ourselves to be weighed down by sin and things of this world! Spiritual fullness is the only way, following Jesus, reflecting Him, living in Spirit, making Heaven our first and only priority! 
