All our afflictions and all our temptations are to make Heaven more desirable, and earth more loathsome!


All our afflictions and all our temptations are to make 
Heaven more desirable, and earth more loathsome!

 ⏤ George Whitefield

What a quote and so true! The Earth sometimes can seem more and more loathsome for sure! Especially when humans sin and cause a lot of chaos and problems here on Earth. The world God made is so beautiful! I really enjoy the beach and ocean immensely! I love all the nature, trees, lakes, birds, and all God made. However, I have seen for sure that as humans sin, as humans are greedy, selfish, power hungry, corrupt, as humans do a lot of evil and wickedness, it makes this Earth School not as desirable. There is a lot of affliction here, and many temptations, so many become slaves for Satan, doing so much evil, committing so many sins, hurting themselves and our world as a whole. We were not made for this world though. We were made for Heaven, we can get there if we follow Jesus, reflect and imitate Him. That is what matters. Sometimes affliction and temptation help us become better people, we realize and change and become better people through both, we learn a lot from them. What to do and not to do. Some people say they follow God, but if you follow God without Jesus, then you are likely following Satan, as the Bible says, the only way to Heaven is through God's son Jesus, He is the light, the way, and the truth! We need to follow Him! Is Heaven more desirable to you now? We need to live in Spirit! We are not of this world! We need to make Heaven our number one priority! 
