Blind Woman Sees After 15 Years... Miraculously Healed!

Blind Woman Sees After 15 Years... Miraculously Healed, As Shared by Rabi Schneider on GodTube

"...the blind receive sight and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them."  
~Matthew 11:5

This was shared on Discovering the Jewish Jesus TV show with Rabbi Schneider  about this persistent blind woman who sees for the first time after 15 years. See her life transformed as she is interviewed and her community testifies to the healing power of God in this video above! It is very amazing. I know in the Bible they talk about healings and miracles like this! What a blessing that this can happen today to God's children, only if we have faith and trust in Him! Since my blog,,   is about miracles and blessings, I thought it was nice to share this miracle with all here! God is so good to us! Glory be to God! We serve a miracle working God! The Bible documents many miracles from God and Jesus. Do you believe in miracles from God?

