Let them go! If what they teach and do is merely on their own as humans, it will soon be overthrown!


And so my advice is, leave these men alone. If what they teach and do is merely on their own, it will soon be overthrown. But if it is of God, you will not be able to stop them, lest you find yourselves fighting even against God.

~Acts 5:38-39

What a Bible verse today and to see, God is sovereign and He will rule and override all the evil and things that are not of His plan for this world!  Today many humans think they are God! But none of them are. Only Jesus came in human form, Emmanuel, God with us, as our example, our model of how to live, then humans had Him killed, they were afraid of Him, He died for our sins, He will murdered for our sins, God allowed it to happen to show the true nature of humans, we cannot let them scare us. We need to take up our cross and follow Jesus, imitate Him, reflect Him, know that God is ultimately in charge of all! Obey God not man! Trust in Him alone! Don't fight against God! Join Him! Let go and let God! We see today so many evil elected, government gangsters, and powers that be do a lot of bad and evil things. They sell their souls to the devil, becoming his slaves for all the money in China and gold bars from Egypt.  Although today the media is complicit and covers for them, the truth does come out, we can all see what is happening. So many get so much humiliation, shame, and dishonor because it always catches up to them, their greed, corruption, fraud, and mediocrity. When you have God, you can see right from wrong. When you live in Spirit, imitating Jesus, obeying God, knowing that God is all we need to fight our battles! 


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