Seek good, not evil, that you may live!


“Seek good, not evil, that you may live,” Amos pleaded with the people. “Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is” 

~ Amos 5:14

Seek good, not evil, that you may live! Good! We want to live, but live a life eternal in Heaven with Jesus! That is what is important. Amos shares an important message and blessing from God, He wants us to be good, not evil, so we can live a life eternal with Jesus. That is so key! Today unfortunately, we live in evil times, where so many have such misguided principles and evil has become good and good evil. We think abortion and killing babies is acceptable. We think changes someone's gender as a child is acceptable. We all the death penalty, lawlessness, and so much crime, we live in a world of chaos with so much crime and no law and order anymore. It is very sad to see. God is a god of order! Chaos is evil, it comes from Satna, today we see so many who are slaves for Satan doing so much evil and wickedness. We see a lot of evil from our own governments, elected, and powers that be, abusing their power, so much greed, corruption, fraud, selfishness, and mediocrity, it is sad to see all the evil from them.  We need to heed the advice of Amos and seek good so we can live and have life eternal in Heaven with Jesus! Be good! 
