The one purpose of our living is to honor Christ, to serve Him, to do His will, to love and obey Him, and to advance His kingdom!


For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 

~Philippians 1:21

The one purpose of our living is to honor Christ, to serve Him, to do His will, to love and obey Him, and to advance His kingdom! We are called to follow Him, imitate Him, reflect Him! Called to be His disciples, to accept His will be done and live as He! Life it not about making a lot of money, becoming famous, or being a president, singer, football player, our number one priority and objective in life should be to live as Christ, that is what really matters! 

The Mornings with God App today spoke about how we need to live like Jesus, they said, "It is a splendid watch–word for life that Paul gives us here – “To me to live is Christ.” A great many people could not fill out the sentence in that way, if they were to write honestly the purpose and motive of their life. Some would write, “To me to live is to make money,” or “to gratify my appetites.” Every Christian should be able to make Paul’s word his own – “To me to live is Christ.” This means that the one purpose of our living is to honor Christ, to serve Him, to do His will, to love and obey Him, and to advance His kingdom. When one lives thus, one never questions the wisdom of any use of His life Christ may make. If He wants us to work, that is well. If He lays us aside to suffer, it is all right. If He sets aside our plans, we do not complain. Whether He leads us into sorrow or into joy, it matters not. Our life is his, and whatsoever pleases Him is right."

Our life belongs to God! He gave us Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us, as a model, an example to follow, we are called to live as Christ! That needs to be our number one purpose. We are called to do His will, obey Him and His Commandments, the teachings of Jesus, be like Jesus, and be people of goodwill! We need to be careful not to become consumed by this world of money, material goods, fame, power, etc. We cannot become slaves for Satan and expect to get into Heaven, we are called to follow Jesus, only Jesus. We see most elected, government gangsters, and powers that be not following God, or thinking they are God, but doing so much evil and wickedness against the people, the greed, corruption, fraud, lies, deceit, it all does not lead to a life as Christ, but being a slave for Satan, we need to be careful, we need to follow Jesus! St. Paul said in Philippians, "for to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain!" When we die, we are promised life eternal in Heaven with Jesus, that is what really matters! 


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