There are five key practices we need to do daily to have God's peace in our lives!


In my opinion there are five key practices we need to do daily to have God's peace in our lives! We need God! People need to turn to Jesus! People today need to live in Spirit! To not fall into self-pity or live for things of this Earthly world.  While things are not always easy as we go about living on this Earth School, but it all depends on our attitudes. We need to consider the five practices and try to implement them in our lives, they can bring peace, they are as follows:

1. Be positive! Don't fall into negativity or be around people who are negative, have hope, stay positive!

2. Be loving! Love all people like Jesus talks about and St. Paul. Without love we are nothing! Love! 

3. Be joyful in the Lord! Let God be the glory! Sing His praises, give Him the glory joyfully always! 

4. Pray! Pray always for yourself, others, and the world as a whole. Pray nonstop, don't stop praying! 

5. Count your blessings, give thanks to God for all, be grateful for all, count your blessings constantly!

Today we live in hard times, we see so much hate, negativity, and division/dismissiveness. We cannot let that bring us down at all! We need to stay positive. We need to show love to all, don't let indifference enter your being, create holy moments with love for all. We need to stay joyful in the Lord always and accept His will be done in our lives. We need to know that God gave us Jesus, He is our model and example to follow. He is our salvation too, and we need to follow, imitate, and reflect Him always knowing that our joy here is important, but it will even be greater in Heaven when we spend eternity with Jesus there. We are God's children. He wants us to know Him in prayer. We need to pray to Him, to know Him. We need to pray for others, our family, friends, enemies, and all others in the world. We need to pray constantly, without ceasing, pray for all you know who need prayer and even people who do not have anyone to pray for them. Prayer is what this world needs most. Instead of falling into self-pity, we as humans need to use a line of defense in living, by counting our blessings, being thankful to God for all, to be grateful for all! If we want God's peace in our life, we need to be positive, loving, joyful in the Lord, pray, and count our blessings and be grateful. With these key factors, it can keep us much more at peace and be happier in this Earth School journey on our way to Heaven! Follow Jesus in His steps!  Remember that all of this is God's will! 
