“What is right?” or “What will advance my interest?” We All Need to Ask Ourselves these question in all judgement, What is right is What Matters!
Pilate... released Barabbas unto them, and delivered Jesus... to be crucified.
- Mark 15:15
Today we see a lot of bad judgement, greed, corruption, fraud, and self-serving ways by people, a lot from the elected, government, and powers that be. It is sad to be reminded of what happened with Jesus under Pilate. He had the responsibility to protect the innocent, but he didn't! Jesus was innocent. He was more worried what others thought and advancing his own interests, rather than doing what was right. He allowed an innocent person to be murdered. He now lives with this infamy and shame, he is forever stained, the spot will never wash off, it is so true. It is like many of the elected today, doing so much bad, taking millions from other countries, selling their soul to the devil, selling themselves out for money, gold bars, luxury items, power, but not realizing they would be caught, the truth would come out, people will find out, the truth always is revealed, God makes sure of that. We always need to do what is right, always! Their sins will stay with them forever in history, they made the name for themselves by their actions, today we see so many so called leaders acting bad, doing similar things like Pilate, caring more about advancing their own interest, not what is right. How sad. They need our prayers.
The Mornings With God App today spoke of an interesting dilemma, they said, "Pilate’s was a most unenviable distinction. No doubt he felt honored when he was made governor of Judea. But the honor brought him a responsibility, which proved his undoing. Pilate did not know, when he was called up so early that April morning, that that day was doomsday for him. He did not realize that he was about to make such a record of infamy for himself. He would better a thousand times have missed the honor of being governor and thus have escaped the making of the terrible mistake he made that day. The way Pilate put the question was, not “What is right?” the only question a judge should ever ask, but “What will advance my interest?” It was here that he wrecked all. Today he is gibbeted before the world as a judge who consciously sent an innocent man to the cross. A writer represents Pilate as washing his hands forever, and looking at them to find them forever stained. The spot will never wash off."
We all need to ask ourselves these questions above, we all need to care more about doing what is right. What is ethical, what is showing integrity, having morals, and principles. What will you all do? Sell you soul to the devil, be his slave, or do what is right and follow Jesus? Imitating and reflecting Him! Do you want to be know as a Pilate or Jesus? As bad or good? As a sinner or saint? Will you do what is right over advancing your career or position?
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