Heaven is guaranteed for all who remain faithful in this life!


An inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you. 

 ~1 Peter 1:4

Heaven is guaranteed for all who remain faithful in this life! God promised this to us when He gave us Jesus. All we have to do is follow Him! Jesus is our example of who to follow. We are called to reflect and imitate Him! We are called to be disciples and to have great faith!  What a blessing! 

The Mornings With God App said today, "God’s children are heirs to a glorious inheritance, but it’s not an earthly inheritance—it’s a heavenly one. This inheritance is not given to us in full during this life; it’s reserved for us in heaven. We have a journey to make before we can fully receive it. While our inheritance is securely kept for us, we have the promise of God’s protection along the way. We are kept by His power through faith. Everything we experience in this life is meant to prepare us for that inheritance. We don’t need to be afraid of troubles—they help us grow. We don’t need to fear danger—we have the promise of God’s protection. One day we will see Christ, whom we love even though we cannot see Him now. Heaven is guaranteed for all who remain faithful in this life. If we do God’s will and keep our faith, He will keep us safe and bring us home to our inheritance."

What a blessing to know that we can spend life eternal in Heaven with Jesus when we leave this Earth School journey! All we have to do is follow Jesus! We need to stop sinning! We need to not become slaves for Satan while here on Earth. We need to live in Spirit and follow, reflect, and imitate Jesus while here, not live for this world, but the Heaven world, but our life starts here on Earth first, we have to pass the test. Can you pass the test for entrance into Heaven? Remain faithful in this Earth School life journey!
