Perfect Timing: God has promised blessings to those who are faithful. We must never doubt, no matter how long the wait. Only those who are patient will receive the blessing!


Be ye also patient. 

~James 5:8

God seems to teach us patience each day! There is not a day that goes by where we are not tested with our patience. We need to pray and know, God will answer our prayers, maybe not today or tomorrow, but they will be answered. We need to remain faithful and stay hopeful, trust in the lord. Patience is one of the biggest lessons we learn as humans on this Earth School journey! 

The Mornings With God App spoke a lot about patience today, they said, "Patience is a hard lesson to learn, but it’s an important one. Impatience often leads to failure. Many people give up just when they are on the verge of success. There’s a story of a man who spent a fortune drilling for oil. Discouraged, he sold the well for a small amount. The new owner started drilling again, and within two hours struck oil. If the first man had been patient just a little longer, he would have succeeded. Many people give up on their prayers too soon, missing the blessing that would have come if they had persisted just a little longer. Our lesson today teaches us to be patient in our work, waiting for the blessing. The farmer plants his seed and then waits for the harvest. Though months pass, he doesn’t lose hope—he trusts in the natural laws, and eventually, he reaps his reward. God has promised blessings to those who are faithful. We must never doubt, no matter how long the wait. Only those who are patient will receive the blessing."

Having patience is a blessing and brings many too. We just need to learn to trust in the Lord. God's timing is perfect, and He knows when the right time is for everything under the sun. Today we live in a very aggressive world,  many people are impatient and it shows, they can be very pushy and unkind, quite aggressive, we just all need to learn from this and take heed.  We just need to trust in Him! He will provide! He will honor His promises if we pray and trust in Him, we must remain faithful in Him and know patience is part of the process! His timing is always perfect! 
