Do not seek the praise and the notice of other humans, these are not for us, follow the despised Christ!
Do not seek the praise and the notice of other humans, these are not for us, follow the despised Christ! We need to follow Jesus! We need to reflect and imitate Him! That is what true love is, loving like Jesus. While He was despised and hated, they persecuted and set Him up, even the priest, and so called leaders allow and did all this evil until they had Him murdered on a cross, because of their hate and insecurities, we need to remember, that as humans, not to seek the praise or notice of these humans. They are not for us. We need to follow the despised Christ. Even when all your friends, family, and people you know abandon you, so it be, let them go, follow Christ, imitate and reflect Him, if you are despised too, then carry that cross and follow Jesus! I was reading my book, God Calling today, and this idea popped out at me. I so agree with it. We can either live for this world and the people who are here, seeking their praise or notice, or we can seek Jesus and make Heaven and life eternal with Him our number one priority, it is up to us. We all have a cross to carry on this Earth School journey. We can follow the woke, the govculture, the hate, the politically correct, the majority today, or we can follow Jesus, he was despised, hated, persecuted, and murdered for speaking the truth and being love. I prefer Jesus over all the haters and hypocrites. I do not need my name in lights. I know He knows my name and that is all that matters! I am following the despised Christ!
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The Truth-God is Truth and Love