There is a special kind of beauty in a godly old age that is more captivating than any other time of life!


The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. 

~Proverbs 4:18

There is a special kind of beauty in a godly old age that is more captivating than any other time of life!  Amen!  A time when you have lived, worked, interacted with so many, seen all sides of the story, and really know people and have lived. Today we see so many young people, and old who lack God, they do not live in Spirit or are following Jesus. They put things of this world before all, consumed by material, money, and Earthly matters, instead of God and the Spiritual world. It is a blessing when one is secure with themselves. They do not need the approval of others, they do not need to please others, nor seek attention from anyone. They can love and be nice, just for the sake of doing it, wanting to for Jesus as they follow Him, reflecting and imitating Him. 

The Mornings with God App today had a nice write-up and poem of sorts about aging, they said, "Christian old age should be beautiful. It should have the peacefulness of autumn after the heat and toil of summer. Youth has its own charm, and so does adulthood, but there is a special kind of beauty in a godly old age that is more captivating than any other time of life.
“There is a beauty Youth can never know, 
With all the lusty radiance of his prime, 
A beauty the sole heritage of time, 
That gilds the fabric with a sunset glow, 
That glorifies the work it soon lays low! 
There is a charm in age, well–nigh sublime 
That lends new lustre to the poet’s rhyme, 
As mountain peaks are grander crowned with snow. 
How gay the laugh of Youth! But, oh, how brave 
The stately weakness of a reverend Age!”

Amen, yes, how stately weakness of a reverend Age! I agree with this. I see so many wonderful older people, they have love in them, like my friends Jane, Marilyn, and Hilda, they are love, they reflect Jesus. A friend who passed last year was also like this. He was ready to go meet our maker, he mastered this world as he loved all. That is our goal of sorts, but more than that, we need to live and make Heaven our number one priority, doing good, being like Jesus, so that we get into Heaven, loving, that is what we must master here, loving all, forgiving, showing kindness, mercy, and patience. Not judging, hating, being negativity or living in misery like we see some doing today. We need to be grateful hearts, being positive, loving, and joyful in the Lord! We need to pray for others and not become selfish, or fall into self-pity, but instead really pray for others, counting our blessings, and praising the Lord, that is what really matters as we age to have such reverence! Show your beauty, show love! 
