A life centered on Christ is never empty, for He fills every hour with purpose and joy!
A life centered on Christ is never empty, for He fills every hour with purpose and joy.
⏤ John Newton
Amen to the above quote from John Newton! So so true! We need to live life centered lives filled with purpose and joy! We need to be loving, positive, and joyful in the Lord always! Always! Today we see so many who are spiritually weak. They do not like it if you talk about God, Jesus, the Bible, or going to church. It drives them crazy, they will cancel you, dismiss you, or hate you if you do. I heard on a news show today a young college student in law school was saying how he was conservative and Catholic and goes to church and prays and even says rosaries, as I do. He was saying how so many in his group of students dismiss him and want nothing to do with him because he prays. How sad. I feel the same way often, I felt it at work a lot and some with some family and friends, people we know from church, the gym, etc. Some just cancel you, they dismiss you if you pray or talk about Jesus or go to church. So many today are devoid spiritually, they put pride, ego, and hate and selfishness above others, they almost think they are God and do not like anyone saying anything on how to live and God forbid you say anything about sin. So many have no sense of life or real purpose, of a sense of higher good, or moral high ground, thinking it is fine to abort babies and change the gender of how God made people, quite demonic actually. I also heard a law professor speak, Dr. Amy Wax, she was also saying about how the liberal left are elitist and think they are God, a utopia of sorts with a lot of duplicity and hypocrisy, yet most are devoid of any spirituality. There is a lot of spiritual weakness today, many people are quick to become slaves for Satan instead of servants for Christ. We need a life centered on Christ, when we do we are never empty, He fills every hour with purpose and joy! It is so true, the liberal left focus on the small, minute issues, like DEI, CRT, race, hate, discriminations, gender, etc. Marxist ideology, but ironically, many are hypocrites and say they support gays, yet really hate them. They use things like race, color, gender, and language as wedges to divide, creating hate, indifference, and apathy, coming from a deep level of insecurity from within themselves. The same people advocate dismantling white privilege which is really and truly racism and hate as well. They have a hard time removing the log from their own eye as they seek to criticize others with just a twig. Most unfortunately lack Jesus, He would never advocate hate, cancel culture, the alike as they do. They become slaves for Satan instead of servants for Jesus, living in hate, negativity, and misery, it is a sad reality, we need to rise above their hate and be love and like Jesus, knowing that love always wins over hate and we if we are living in Spirit have a purpose here greater than ourselves, we are called to be loving, positive, and joyful in the Lord, a life centered on Jesus Christ!
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