Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ!
Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
~Romans 5:1
Peace with God is the beginning of all Christian peace, we need God's peace. When we live with His presence we can be assured of His peace in our lives. It is all about our faith and trust in Him! God gave us Jesus, and when we follow Jesus, reflect and imitate Him, we receive His peace! We need to live without sin, without blemish the best we can. Sin is real, today unfortunately many do not want to consider sin, they make so many excuses for sin, the steal, cheat, lie, commit adulatory, worship things of this world over God. Some thing it is okay to hate depending on who it is or that killing innocent, helpless, voiceless babies in the womb is fine since they are not born yet. Sin is real, we need to turn away from all sin and follow God, do what is right, using Jesus as our example the best we can. What a blessing!
The Mornings With God App had a nice message today that resonated with me, they said, "Every morning, Mount Etna casts a shadow over the beautiful island of Sicily. The people continue with their daily activities, but they don’t like to think about the shadow, as it silently moves across their gardens and homes. It’s a reminder of the volcano’s slumbering fires, which could unleash destruction at any moment. But a more ominous shadow lies over the world—the curse of sin. No one can truly be at peace until they are reconciled with God. But when we put our faith in Jesus Christ, we are no longer under condemnation and find peace with God. From that, all other blessings flow. We become God’s friends, and He becomes our Friend. We find our home in Him, and His power becomes our refuge, offering us safety and comfort in life’s dangers."
Like it says above, "No one can truly be at peace until they are reconciled with God. But when we put our faith in Jesus Christ, we are no longer under condemnation and find peace with God." This is so true. We need to eliminate all sin from our lives and world, if we really want peace, peace in each of us and peace in this world. Greed, selfishness, and godless people will always be unhappy, until they have God in their lives, until they follow Jesus and reflect and imitate Him. Jesus is real peace for us. Like the saying goes, no Jesus, no peace, Know Jesus, Know peace! It is so true. Remove the cloud of sin from your lives, follow Jesus, and experience the real peace God meant for all of us to have in Him!
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