Follow Jesus, not the hate and cancel culture club we see today in society toward conservatives and law and order!
Follow Jesus, not the hate and cancel culture club we see today in society toward conservatives and law and order! Today we see a lot of hate. Hate that just makes no sense. Mostly directed toward the past and current President of the USA and conservatives who respect and want law and order and a rule of law. They hate one person so much that they make excuses for why it is okay or why laws should be broken to justify their profound hate. It is very sad to see. I am sure God and the church want laws and order, they want a rule of law, God wants us to obey His 10 Commandments and be people of goodwill, to follow Jesus, Whom He gave us, to reflect and imitate Him. It can be a challenge today to talk to others, especially about politics and the current powers that be. So many hate so much, and if you do not join in their hate club, cancel culture is real, and sad to see. People want law and order. The devil wants chaos, so many today seem to prefer to side with Satan as opposed to God and what Jesus stands for. I see it in my life, with people from work, friends, and others that I know. If you do not fall in line with their way of thinking, you are cancelled, their hate toward President Trump is so profound, that hate is what controls them, it is an emotion that profoundly hurts our society as a whole, they are being tested, and so many are not passing. They say they want to hear all sides and views, but when you share yours or justify and give the facts or truth, they attack you, trying to shut you down or prevent you from speaking. The media today is complicit as well, they have covered for the corrupt and fraudulent people for a long time, they make excuses and exceptions because they are taught to hate the other side, so overlook the crimes of the real crime family to attack the upright. All I can see is, do not join the club of hate and cancel culture. You deserve better than that, many too unfortunately have become slaves for Satan too, hate does this to people. Try to love all anyway. What I have noticed now, through observation a lot, is that so many use the F word and swear a lot too, they do not think how this reflects on their image or reputation. So many I didn't even know 20 years ago swore so much, are using the F bomb nonstop, it is sad to see, the foul language and dirty potty mouths of people, this is not God or Jesus, using such offensive disgraceful words, God cannot be impressed by this, I know I am not, it is such a turn off when I see people swear so much. Where is your self respect for yourself? I have noticed in the past when I worked too, so many joined this hate and cancel culture club, I refused to join and then I was completely cancelled. It hurts, but I have my dignity and I know God is all who is important in pleasing, not people, not haters, not people and clubs that cancel others because they do not want hate and want to love like Jesus. My spouse and I have even seen our old priest be indifferent and almost hateful, and he is a priest, so we all have a lot to learn from Jesus. I want to live a clean and upright life, one with a clean mouth, one with Jesus in my heart, and to follow, reflect, and imitate Him over any human on this Earth School journey!
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