God is so good to all of us! He is like the Sun, He shines for the good and the bad!
God is so good to all of us all the time! He is like the Sun, He shines for the good and the bad! He loves when we obey and follow His Commandments, He loves when we follow His son, Jesus, imitating and reflecting Him. He loves when we are people of goodwill as we go about our Earthly journey. Unfortunately, today we have a lot of people who are very bad too. We see leaders selling their souls and countries out for all the money in China or gold bars from Egypt. We see corrupt politicians making insider trading making millions abusing their power. We see so many corrupt lawyers, AG's, and judges selling their souls to the devil, doing so many evil and unjust things, allowing corruption, fraud, and waste in our government, taking a political party stance in their judgements. Today we see most of our elected, so called leaders, and powers that be show so much greed, corruption, and self-serving actions to enrich themselves over the good of all humanity. We are lied to, scammed, and deceived by our own so called leaders. The corruption in our society and country today is sad to see. Sad to see young people consumed by things of this world, and vices, not wanting to know God or follow Him. The aggression, hate, and negativity is sad to see by so many. The greed and selfishness is hard to understand. So many are full of hate, rage, derangement, envy, jealousy, pride, and ego. We live in times where good is bad and bad is good. The devil has taken a stronghold of so many, we see so many become such slaves for Satan today while supposedly taking the moral high ground using gender, race, culture, and sin to cause chaos, lawlessness, and division in our society. A lot of people make a lot of excuses for sin today, for lawlessness, for chaos and division, but it all is really sin. Yes, there are many who are good, but there are some who are bad. They hate mostly in the name of God, by God is love. He shines on all of us, but He shines for those who love more, those who follow Christ and reflect and imitate Him! God really is so good to all of us. The bad however will have it all catch up to them at some point, it always does. Love wins over hate in the long haul. We need to be about love and goodness. We need to be positive, loving, and joyful in the Lord! That is what matters as the Sun shines on us as we go about during this Earth School journey! The real miracle of God is the good under the Sun!
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The Truth-God is Truth and Love