He who has learned to pray has learned the greatest secret of a holy and happy life!
He who has learned to pray has learned the greatest secret of a holy and happy life.
⏤ William Law
Do you want a happy life? Do you want to be happy? What we all need to do is learn to pray, pray all the time, non-stop, daily, all the time. Go to church! Learn about Jesus and why He was sent to us. Follow Him, reflect and imitate Him! Read the Bible, follow and obey God and His 10 Commandments. If we want a holy and happy life, the greatest secret to it all is praying, turning to Jesus, following, imitating, and reflecting Him! God wants us to pray, to know Him, to follow His son, to be upright and holy, prayer brings peace and true happiness, we need more happy people in this world! Prayer can help! I love the advice from Willian Law on happiness and prayer! Just pray!
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