If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen!


If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.

—1 John 4:20

I so agree with this Bible verse! It is so true. We need to love all like Jesus did! We are liars when we say we love God, yet do not like others. That just cannot be so. My spouse and I have had this experience even from a priest. We used to go to a church where the priest would not look at us, or have anything to do with us. We would also see him in the gym and he would completely ignore and avoid us. We had no idea why and never have had a priest behave this way toward us in our 60+ years of living and being Catholic. How can someone say they are a priest, the representative of Jesus in the church, but behave this way? It is hard to fathom or understand. We do pray for him and still see him. We stopped going to that church and go to a church where the priests are more normal and loving. We pray for all priests, it cannot be an easy life, they have a lot to live up to, and they are only human too, we just never had experienced a priest like this ever. Perhaps he is wrestling with his own demons, we do pray and hope he can be more like Jesus. someday. When we see him, if he look at us, we just say what Jesus would, "peace be with you brother." What else can we do? This Bible verse is good for all people, all of us, especially the ones who have or use the cancel culture mentality or club, they too have hate on their hearts and they need to work on removing it, because like this verse says, they do not love God when they harbor any hate toward anyone. It has been sad to see the past eight years all the hate that the liberal left displayed toward the conservatives and President Trump, all the lies and setups they did, such a disgrace. Praying things continue to be better. I know he just wants the best for our country. The ones that hate are the real problem, not God or President Trump or conservative, hate is completely unacceptable. We see a lot, priests who hate, yet are priests, even a Pope who judges and criticizes a country for wanting law and order in their country, like his church has to have. Law and order are essential for a civilized and humane society, it is sad to see the religious who hate and judge, and they are the ones who are supposed to love more like Jesus. But we saw in the time of Jesus, how the same Sanhedrin, priests, and Pharisees did the same to Jesus, they schemed to the point of having Him murdered, so I guess nothing has changed in over 2000 years. We need to pray for an end to hate, especially by our hypocritical church leaders, but by all people, as hate never wins. Love always wins over hate! For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen! Happy St. Valentine's Day! Love like Jesus! 
