Rejecting God leads only to emptiness; He alone is the fountain of life and truth!


Rejecting God leads only to emptiness; He alone is the fountain of life and truth. 

⏤ Richard Sibbes

What a message and quote! What a truth! We need God! As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord! God is truth! The Bible is truth! We need Jesus in our lives! God gave Him to us to follow, imitate, and reflect. Without God our lives are a mess! We are empty and unhappy. Today we see many unhappy, unsatisfied people, because they do not have Jesus in their hearts. He really makes a difference. God is truth, He is law and order, He wants us to abide by Him and follow Jesus, those who do not or do not want to always are unhappy and have a lot of problems. Do not reject God! He alone is the fountain of life and truth!
