Yes, joy is a Christian duty. God wants all His children to be happy, even though they will experience troubles! Be glad in the Lord always!
Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous.
~Psalm 32:11
Yes, joy is a Christian duty. God wants all His children to be happy, even though they will experience troubles sometimes! Be glad in the Lord always! Today we see so many unhappy people. They are full of hate, negativity, misery, almost deranged it seems. Very unhappy for sure. This is not healthy for our society. They allow hate and their club of haters to make their lives miserable, living in misery and unhappiness. I am sure you know someone like this. I know I do. The past several years, some have become so unhappy. So many are hateful, negative, and living in misery. How sad, it really contradicts the Bible verse above about remaining joyful in the Lord! The key to happiness is being joyful in the Lord. We need to live with God in our Hearts! We need to keep the faith! With Jesus first place, following, reflecting, and imitating Him! He is key to our true happiness.
The Mornings With God App today said, "Joy is a Christian duty. God wants all His children to be happy, even though they will experience troubles. Yes, we will face many difficulties, but God still desires us to rejoice. However, we must notice what kind of joy we are called to have. It’s not the world’s joy—"Be glad in the Lord." Those whose happiness depends on earthly things have no guarantee that it will last, for everything in this world is temporary. But when our joy comes from the love of Christ, it is secure because He loves us to the very end. To be glad in the Lord means doing our daily tasks with trust, leaving all our cares, worries, and anxieties with Him.
"And should the twilight darken into night,
And sorrow grow to anguish, be thou strong;
Thou art in God, and nothing can go wrong
Which a fresh life-pulse cannot set aright.""
We need to remain joyful in the Lord if we want happiness in this Earth School journey for sure! So many live without God, they do not want anything to do with religion, God, Jesus, the Bible, or the 10 Commandments. They think it is fine to live with hate, negativity, sin, chaos, and lawlessness. The greed, selfishness, and aggression today is so obvious. We all have a choice, we can follow Jesus and live with joy or we can be miserable living in sin and for this world hating others and living in complete misery. Which would you prefer? Being loving, positive, and joyful in the Lord, or filled with hate, negativity, and living with misery? We all need to surround ourselves with positive, loving, and joyful people if we are going to be happy. While the haters may hate, employ cancel culture club tactics, know the promise Jesus gives us in the Beatitudes when you are persecuted or hated. Choose joy! Be positive and loving! Happiness come from following Jesus!
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