I saw an angel blowing a trumpet in the sky today at the beach! It was in the clouds and looked just like an angel!


I saw an angel blowing a trumpet in the sky today at the beach! It was in the clouds and looked just like an angel! I believe in angels and in God! I know they are real and are out there for us! I saw in the sky today while at the beach an angel, it looked like she was flying while blowing a trumpet, the photo just does not capture what I really saw and got, but it does seem to show it somewhat I think. I love my prayer time at the beach each day. The beach was Heaven today, another glimpse of God's Home for us all. He gives us such glimpses from time to time and even maybe angels like this one in the sky in the cloud formation. It was a blessing from God and made me be reminded of God and all His greatness! Do you believe in angels? Do you believe in God? Would you like to follow Jesus? Angels are watching over me! 
