Yes, our lives will be judged by their fruits, by how we live, by the character we display. Christ doesn’t care about our words of praise unless we are proving our love for Him by doing His will!


Ask, and it shall be given you. 


Yes, our lives will be judged by their fruits, by how we live, by the character we display. Christ doesn’t care about our words of praise unless we are proving our love for Him by doing His will! How true! It is all a blessing when we turn it over to God, ask, yet accept His will be done with all in our lives! That is what is really important. But asking is part of it and then accepting is the other part! 

The Mornings With God App today said, "Jesus never questioned how God answers prayer. He lived in constant communion with God and spoke to Him as easily as a child speaks to a parent. He assures us that God is willing to give us whatever we need. All we have to do is ask. Of course, our asking must be genuine and earnest. If what we ask for doesn’t come, we are to seek it. If we still can’t find it, we are to knock. We never need to fear that God will give us something harmful in place of what we ask. If we need bread, He won’t give us a stone. That’s how the world responds to many of our desires, but God is not like that. Earthly parents are kind to their children—will God be any less kind? Our lives will be judged by their fruits, by how we live, by the character we display. Christ doesn’t care about our words of praise unless we are proving our love for Him by doing His will." 

I heard once that often times most people never ask about anything, yet if they did, they could change the outcome by 80-90% if they did. Often we are afraid to ask, we just accept what is dealt to us. But God wants us to ask. Today I called my bank and asked for a waiver on a fee, as I knew nothing about this and it was out of my control what happened, they were kind enough to honor my request and waived the fee, as I said this has never happened before, I prayed about it while on was on the phone and figured, why not at least ask, and it worked out in my favor thank Goodness. God is great! We need to ask, always, with God and with all in life, there is nothing wrong with doing so. I love the Mornings with God message today too, it is so true, we need to ask, but we need to also always accept God's will be done in our lives. God will react like our Earthly parents, He will do what is good and just, but nothing mean-spirited or evil, what He does is always just right, His will be done is what we really need, asking is a big part of it. It is all about the character we display! 
