
Showing posts with the label Broken

Live with an eternal mindset, not for this world! Try to live like Jesus while you are here on this Earth School!

Without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers! May Your will be done, may Spiritual growth be a big part of it. We need God in our lives!

Help us not to be overcome by the world today. Keep our eyes fixed on our heavenly home, and help us press on toward the glory that awaits us there with You!

Jesus is the light of the world. We do not need to live in black and darkness when we let Jesus in!

Don't You Know, We all Need Jesus?

Stay Focused on God and His Perfection, This World is Broken, Tainted by Sin, Stop Seeking Perfection Here, Heaven is our Goal!

Rejoice in the Lord Always, Remain Joyful Over all the Fiery Ordeals of this Broken World! The Glory of Jesus Will be Revealed!