Without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers! May Your will be done, may Spiritual growth be a big part of it. We need God in our lives!


Without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers. 

- Romans 1:9

Every day, at almost all moments I am thinking of others and praying for them. For someone who almost committed suicide and is suffering, for someone who lost a spouse after so many long years and is all alone and sad now, for a few seniors over 100 years of age for their health and well being that I know. I think of so many, always praying for them. But today the Mornings with God App reminded us too, to also pray that they include God’s best for them—that His will be done, that they grow in grace, and that the image of Christ is formed in their lives, this is what is important. So many with problems stray from God, or forget they have Him. May they return to Him and know His will be done which is really what is important. 

The Mornings With God App today said, "We don’t pray for others as much as we should. When we pray alone, there’s a tendency to focus only on ourselves. But selfishness in prayer is especially unworthy. We must pray for our friends, no matter how much we already do for them in other ways. If we neglect to pray for them, we have failed in the most important part of friendship. We should also think carefully about what we pray for our friends. When they are sick, we may pray for their recovery but forget to ask that their suffering brings spiritual growth. Our prayers for loved ones should always include God’s best for them—that His will be done, that they grow in grace, and that the image of Christ is formed in their lives."

I liked what this App said today, about praying for others, saying, "when they are sick, we may pray for their recovery but forget to ask that their suffering brings spiritual growth." I think this is very true. We all need this spiritual growth. I know the people I pray for do. They are broken, hurting, sad, alone, and it is depressing and causes self-pity, which is never good for anyone. May our prayers be for their spiritual growth and God's will be done to help them get through the pain and troubles they are experiencing. It is always about God's will be done. A big part of the problem today in society and in all of humanity is that the great lesson we all need to learn in life is that we cannot live without God! 
