Jesus is the light of the world. We do not need to live in black and darkness when we let Jesus in!
Jesus is the light of the world. We do not need to live in black and darkness when we let Jesus in! Today we see so many people without God! They reject Jesus and the Bible. They reject the truth and choose hate, negativity, and living joyless lives of misery. We do not need to live this way. We all have a choice. We can live with Jesus and have light, He is the light of the world! Today we see so much brokenness, so many are so full of hate, even deranged, not even understanding why, other than being part of a cult of hate. They allow it to control their lives, it is sad to see. They in prison themselves due to their hate and negativity. Instead of being grateful, counting their blessings for all, and praying, turning to Jesus our hope and light. Humans always disappoint, our governments, elected, all humans will let us down, but God never will. He gave us Jesus for a reason, He gave us Jesus for hope and our salvation, to have life eternal in Heaven when we follow His light, His ways, His truth and reflect and imitate Him! Yes, the world is broken. Yes, there is hate, sin, and darkness, but there is hope, hope in Jesus, we do not need to settle for the mediocrity of this world, a world in which even the Bible says to reject and not love. We need to be positive, loving, and joyful in the Lord always, shining our lights like Jesus! Jesus is our Devine light in a dark world! Let your light shine like Jesus!
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The Truth-God is Truth and Love