
Showing posts with the label Cure

Jesus miracles: He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak!

Do not be afraid; just have faith! Jesus said your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be cured of your affliction! What a blessing, more miracles and healing from Jesus!

Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give! Jesus calls us to perform miracles like He did! The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

We cannot forget we too are called to be disciples today to for Jesus, we are called to cure diseases too and proclaim God's Kingdom!

Jesus Wants Us to Cure the Sick, Raise the Dead, Cleanse the Lepers, Drive out Demons! We are All Called! Called to Do it in Peace!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand! Jesus Tells His Disciples to Go Out to Drive Out Unclean Spirts, to Heal, and Cure!

In the Name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean More Miracles Are Performed!