
Showing posts with the label Devil

Staying Strong in God, Resisting this World and the Devil Who Controls it Now!

Submitting Myself to God, Never Allowing Satan to Employ Me as His Slave!

God's Mercy and Justice are Coming Soon! Jesus was Sent to Comfort Us in all These Unjust, Greedy, Selfish, and Mediocre Times!

Heavenward Aspiring: Not Letting this World Hold me Back!

Jesus Says to Beware of Men, We Will Be Hated By Others by Using the Name of Jesus, Endure to the End and be Saved!

Trust Him, Honor Him, He is Within Us! Approved By and Following Jesus Alone!

Stay Focused on the Better-Land, Heaven, Where the Fruit of Jesus is Unending!

Living in the Light of Christ! Not Following People who Have Become Slaves to Satan!