
Showing posts with the label Hearts

All Will Be Revealed! Secrets, Lies, Corruption, Greed, Selfishness, Evil, Wickedness, it is All Going to Be Exposed in the Light of God!

When we Take Christ into Our Hearts, We Eat the Meat, which Abideth unto Eternal Life!

We Have to Be Disciples of Flesh for God, Being Disciples in Christ with Him in Our Hearts! We are Called!

Jesus is Our Humble King! We Must Live by the Spirit of Christ! We Must Live with Meek and Humble Hearts for Him!

Listening to God in Prayer, God Speaks in the Silence of Our Hearts!

2023: Being Strong, God is With Us, May Our Hearts be Filled with His Wisdom to Live Upright so to Spend Eternity with Him in Heaven!

Blessed When We Tune Our Hearts Into God! Be Positive Always Knowing God is Listening, He is There for You!