2023: Being Strong, God is With Us, May Our Hearts be Filled with His Wisdom to Live Upright so to Spend Eternity with Him in Heaven!


Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. 

⏤ Deuteronomy 31:6

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. 

⏤Psalm 90:12

Today on the Mornings With God App it was very inspiring, from the Bible verses to the write up and inspiration, especially for the new year. The App said, "The last day of a year should make us thoughtful. We cannot but ask whether we have been faithful, whether we have done all our duty, and whether we have learned the lessons set for us during the year. There is none who has not come short, and who has left no duty undone. There is none who has left no white page blotted. One purpose of life is that we may grow, that in all the experiences of our days we may be learning new lessons and becoming better. Growth of the body is not all, nor is growth in knowledge the test of living. One may be physically stronger and yet be no better in character. One may know a great deal more and yet be no wiser. We are growing only when the peace of our heart is becoming deeper, when we love more and are gentler, sweeter, and more unselfish. We shall want to make this last day of the year very beautiful – beautiful enough to be the last of our life. We should leave no duty undone when its last hour strikes." May we all grow to be closer with Jesus Christ, to know Him, to Love Him, to serve Him and our brothers in sisters in this world so to get into Heaven to spend eternity with Jesus Christ when we leave this broken and corrupted world. We need to keep the faith, put all our trust in the Lord, and know He has this, let His will be done in our lives, pray, follow His commandments, the teachings of Jesus, be people of goodwill, and surrender ourselves to Him and His will in our lives, we can be saved and we can spend eternity with Him in Heaven if we set our minds to it. Happy 2023! May your primary goal be to get into Heaven with Jesus and live the life He wants for us in this broken Earth School world we now live in. Blessed when we are thoughtful in God!  Have a blessed new year! 


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