When we Take Christ into Our Hearts, We Eat the Meat, which Abideth unto Eternal Life!


Work... for the meat, which abideth unto eternal life. 

- John 6:27

Many of us say we want to go to Heaven to spend eternity with Jesus Christ and our loved ones that have gone before us. Yes, sometimes or more often we do not want to abide in Christ. We do not want to obey God and His Commandments. We are selfish, greedy, corrupt, and do many aggressive and evil and wicked acts.  How do we think we can get into Heaven if we are not doing what we should to follow Jesus and reflect Him in our daily lives as we live on this Earth School?

The Mornings With God App this morning was talking about all of this today and said,  "Bunyan gives a picture of a man with a muck–rake, working hard, scraping up the rubbish under his feet, not seeing the crown that hangs in the air above his head. It is a picture of many people in this world. They are toiling and wearing out their life in gathering rubbish out of the dust, not thinking of the divine gifts, the spiritual things, that are in Christ, and which they might have with half the toil and care.

“Bubbles we buy with a whole soul’s tasking; 

‘Tis heaven alone that is given away, 

‘Tis only God may be had for the asking.” 

We ought not to spend our life in picking up things we cannot carry beyond the grave. If we are wise, we shall seek rather to gather treasures we can take with us into eternity. When we take Christ into our heart, we eat the meat, which abideth unto eternal life."

We need to live in Spirit more! Not of flesh and this world of material and carnal desires. We need to pray always, follow the example Jesus gave us, stop sinning, and obey God's Commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and be people of goodwill. If we are wise, we will do this and not seek gathering material good, money, and power of this world, all of which we cannot take with us when we die. We see so many today, especially, the elected, governments, and powers that be, cheat, steal, sell their souls and countries out to Satan and the dragon. It is sad to see. For what, they lose all honor and respect and people all say they are crooks and sellouts. If we really want to get to Heaven and spend eternity with Jesus, then we need to follow His model, His example, and reflect Him in all we do as we journey this Earth School world! 


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