
Showing posts with the label Humble

Humbling Myself to God, Praying and Seeking His Face, Obeying Him, I Want to Spend Eternity in Heaven, We Have Such a Loving God!

Working on a Goal While on This Earth School to Be More Humble, Gentle, Patient, and Loving, Removing any Aggression! Ultimately Peace!

Humility and the Fear of the Lord; Brings Wealth and Honor and Life!

Humble for God! Not of This World! Our Home is in Heaven with Christ, Our Crucified Savior!

Jesus is Our Humble King! We Must Live by the Spirit of Christ! We Must Live with Meek and Humble Hearts for Him!

Jesus Christ is the Sign from God, Our Chance to Repent and Turn from Sin and Evil! To Spend Eternity in Heaven with Him!