
Showing posts with the label Joel Osteen

Focusing on the Future, God, His Will for My Life, and Looking More at What is In Front of Me!

Seeking the Kingdom and Pleasing Only God to Fulfill His Purpose for My Life!

The Greatness Will Come Out When You Put Your Trust in the Lord!

Bless Those that Do You Wrong, Never Retaliate or Have an Eye for an Eye Mentality: Always Pay Back Others with a Blessing!

Blessed to Serve a Faithful God! He Always Provides Beyond Our Needs!

Blessed to have the DNA of God, A Prince of the King of the Universe, Jesus Christ!

Blessed When We Tune Our Hearts Into God! Be Positive Always Knowing God is Listening, He is There for You!

Letting God Arise! He Continues to Bless Nonstop!

More Miracles from God in the Bible! What a Blessing!