
Showing posts with the label Light

God Reveals the Mysteries, Praise Him, Live in His Light, Follow His Wisdom, It is Power, for All Who Love Christ!

Headed Toward the Narrow Gate to Life with Jesus, It is Not Easy, Few Seem to Want to Go, I know I Do!

May Our Light Shine Before Men, That Seeing Us, They May Glorify You oh Lord!

All Will Be Revealed! Secrets, Lies, Corruption, Greed, Selfishness, Evil, Wickedness, it is All Going to Be Exposed in the Light of God!

God Called Us By Name to Shine Bright in a Dark World! We Were Made for These Days!

Mary Reminds Us To Not Let the Darkness of this World, Put Out the Light God Gave Us!

Ain't Nobody Going to Love Us Like Jesus!

Living in the Light, Exposing Darkness, Being Obedient in the Lord, Shining for Christ!