I'll Follow You Lord!
I'll Follow You Lord by The Anointed Family on GodTube
This is how I feel! I want to follow Jesus! He is the way, the truth, and the life, He is our only way to get to Heaven to spend eternity there with Him! I will follow you Lord! I love the song and the message. I used to listen to country music more when I was younger, like Charlie Daniels band and when I lived in Alabama in the mid 90's. I listen now mostly to only Christian pop music. But this song is a mix of country and Christian and has a great message and words, the singers voice is great and I so agree with the lyrics and sentiment. God gave us Jesus, our Emmanuel, our God with us, who we are called to follow, reflect, and imitate in life! Christ in us! We are called to live like Christ. He is our example to follow, the model we were given to live with Christ in us! We are called to not sin, to follow God's Commandments, to do the will of God and follow Jesus, reflect and imitate Him until we have Christ in us as we do anything as we go about on this Earth School journey! While it is a challenge, a real task, we are called to love! Love all. Today we see so much hate, I often wonder if the people who hate even know who and why they hate, they seem to hate someone so much that it out shadows any love they have for their own country or own God. It is sad to see and all haters need our prayers. We need to stop sinning, Jesus died for our sins so we may have life eternal. He is the way, the truth, and the life, we are promised by God life eternal in Heaven when we follow Jesus Christ! We need to follow Jesus, We need God's Commandments, we need law and order, we need to follow Jesus and His example and live with Christ in us! I will follow Jesus! https://themiraclesofgod.blogspot.com/
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The Truth-God is Truth and Love